What Is COVP for Bronco?

Jan 24, 2023

By Laura Zielinski

When Ford informed dealers of the incentive plan for unscheduled orders, it communicated several dates to them, including the cutoff to receive the credit and the opening of retail order banks.

We’ll be covering more on those in upcoming articles, but for now, COVP deadline –– today, January 24 –– is one you may want to know about. The process behind this deadline is not new information for dealers, but it may be unfamiliar to some order holders. We share this date and topic overview to keep you aware of current happenings, not concern you about your 23MY Bronco order.

Who's eligible for the $2,500? Official Ford FAQs

What COVP Means

COVP is Ford’s acronym for Customer Order Verification Program. The program lets Ford verify retail orders are legitimate and not created for, say, dealer stock (retail = orders for customers). In addition, the program encourages dealers to communicate with customers as they gather information and sign docs, and enrollment assists with price protection and incentives for original ordering customers at delivery. For some vehicle lines, Ford has used the program to dole out incremental allocation (Bronco and other specialty units have been excluded in this).

How Is COVP Completed?

COVP enrollment is done by your dealer. In September of last year, Ford instructed dealers to complete COVP for 23MY conversion orders by November 21, 2022. With this recent round of news, Ford has again given dealers a deadline, January 24, so orders can continue to be prioritized for manufacturing.

The enrollment process is straightforward: Dealers upload a signed buyers order clearly showing customer name, order number, eligible order date, and a copy of the customer’s driver’s license to the dealer connection portal.

Enrollments get one of three statuses:

  • Approved – all proper documents were provided, and enrollment has been processed and approved.
  • Hold – enrollment has been submitted but proper documentation is missing. Dealers can see what is missing and add the additional documents.
  • Pending – enrollment and documents have been submitted and are currently under review. Once the process is approved for your order, your dealer receives an email.

If you want to cancel your order, dealers send in an email to the program headquarters, and program headquarters will cancel the enrollment (which assists in name-match policies for dealers if the order has not yet received a VIN).

Interested in seeing a copy of the COVP approval? Your dealer can provide you with one.


We’ll be talking with Bronco Brand Manager Matt Winter tomorrow on our livestream. Bring your questions regarding the incentive plan, order banks for 2023, commodity constraints, and whatever else is on your mind. We’re focusing on getting as many answered for you as possible.


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