2.3 manual noise when engine is cold

Jan 12, 2022

Rank V

Jan 12, 2022

Had my Bronco a couple months. 2000 miles. I have the 2.3 manual in my Badlands. When I start it up in the morning I hear what sounds like a grinding, somethings loose kind of noise. When I push the clutch in it seems to go away. It also seems to go away after it has been driven a while. Anyone else experiencing this? Is it normal? I have an appointment to bring the truck in tomorrow 1/12/22. I will let everyone know how I make out.
2021 Bronco Badlands
Cactus grey
Lux Pkg 7spd
Roughstock11, F1ATX

Rank 0

Mar 02, 2024

I should also mention the previous owner had the transmission and transfer case replaced under warrantee in 2023. Hope that means it was a poor install job and not another faulty transmission or transfer case. I’ll find out soon.

Burrito Connoisseur

Mar 02, 2024

New owner here. Having the same issue on my 2022 base, which I have had for 7 days now. Haven’t seen this mentioned, but when I put it in 4wd it went away. Put it back in 2wd and it stayed gone for a couple days. Two days later it returned and is now accompanied by a shudder like it wants to stall when cold.

Sounds like a different issue to be honest.

The issue is completely separate from the transfer case (happens even while the transmission is in neutral) so putting it in 4wd should have zero impact.
2022 4dr Badlands, 2.3L Manual, Mid pkg
YouTube: youtube.com/@ragnarkon
Instagram: @ragnar.kon

Rank 0

Mar 02, 2024

I Crawled around under the bronco looking for loose hardware or rocks caught in the skid plate. I did find some hardware loose and some rocks but that didn’t solve the noise. I feel like it’s coming from the left front wheel well. Had two ford techs drive it. They confirmed the noise from wheel well. Waiting for my appointment for further diag. When engaging and disengaging the transfer case temporarily cleared it up I was even more confused.
the poacher

Rank V

Mar 12, 2024

New owner here. Having the same issue on my 2022 base, which I have had for 7 days now. Haven’t seen this mentioned, but when I put it in 4wd it went away. Put it back in 2wd and it stayed gone for a couple days. Two days later it returned and is now accompanied by a shudder like it wants to stall when cold.

Hey, Noal! I can take a closer look into your cold shuddering noise concerns if you are still in need of assistance. Can you send us a PM with your VIN and the dealership name/location? To send a private message, just click/hover on our username and select "Message".
Crawler Green

'22 Base

Jan 28, 2025

Took delivery of my MT 2022 base in May 2022. Winter '22-'23 I heard slight scraping and looked online to find the TSB for 5th 6th Synchronizers. Because I have low mileage and wanted to listen, I have deferred winter '23-'24 warranty work (same noise as reported in this thread). I had my service manager put it on the record. Now Winter' 24-'25, same noise and I have asked Dealership to look into parts availability for the TSB Work. I am currently planning to get that done in May / April 2025, which will be the 34th and 35th month of the 36mo. bumper- to- bumper warranty.
My questions are:
1. Has anyone deferred the TSB work even though they hear the scrapping in cold weather when in neutral? If so, has the scrapping increased? any other issues as a result?
2. If you've had the warranty work done and have driven at least 3K miles, preferrably hrough a winter, has the issue been completely solved? If not, please elaborate.
3. If you had the TSB work done and the dealership made it worse (meaning poor install / reset transmission?) I'm so paranoid that the mechanic will put it back worse than before replacing the parts!

Any post warranty work experiences / feedback is appreciated.
the poacher, Jakob1972

Rank IV

Feb 09, 2025

Took delivery of my MT 2022 base in May 2022. Winter '22-'23 I heard slight scraping and looked online to find the TSB for 5th 6th Synchronizers. Because I have low mileage and wanted to listen, I have deferred winter '23-'24 warranty work (same noise as reported in this thread). I had my service manager put it on the record. Now Winter' 24-'25, same noise and I have asked Dealership to look into parts availability for the TSB Work. I am currently planning to get that done in May / April 2025, which will be the 34th and 35th month of the 36mo. bumper- to- bumper warranty.
My questions are:
1. Has anyone deferred the TSB work even though they hear the scrapping in cold weather when in neutral? If so, has the scrapping increased? any other issues as a result?
2. If you've had the warranty work done and have driven at least 3K miles, preferrably through a winter, has the issue been completely solved? If not, please elaborate.
3. If you had the TSB work done and the dealership made it worse (meaning poor install / reset transmission?) I'm so paranoid that the mechanic will put it back worse than before replacing the parts!

Any post warranty work experiences / feedback is appreciated.

I picked up my '22 in early November 2022. Started hearing the sound that first winter but didn't schedule the TSB work until about a year later (was trying to allow them some time to build experience). I fall into your category #2 below, possibly #3 also. 🙂

#2) I have put about 6K miles on my Bronco after the TSB. My scraping sound at cold idle startup has definitely returned this winter, but it's hard to tell if the sound returned with miles or just lower temps. It was late April when the TSB was done, so no temps below 45 or so here in OH. Once we had some very cold temp here in December and January, it's clear that it sounds like it did before, scraping sound at startup, goes away with the clutch pressed. Maybe a little more muted, but definitely there. I have not called the dealer back, but think I will while it's still cold enough to be diagnosed easily. I only want them to take action if the action is a replacement tranny this time. Hoping they can pre-auth that thru Ford since I already had the TSB done.

#3) I feel like I picked up a new faint rattle sound upon acceleration after the TSB. Shifts smoothly, but first and second have a rattle around 2500 to 3000 rpm. Hard to tell if it's the engine or tranny, but something is rattling now and they can't figure it out.

Side note question about your squeezing this work in just under the 3yr / 36K mile warranty. I have been told by my dealer anything "internal transmission) is covered by the 5 yr / 60K mile warranty - sound correct? I am also of the mindset that it does not make sense to wait beyond the 3/36 to be safe... but should have plenty of time, theoretically.
22 Badlands 2-door, 7MT, HP Red, delivered Nov 2022
Former fords: '83 Mustang Conv, '94 Bronco XLT, '05 Excursion PSD, '10 Expedition EL EB (still the family wagon).
Chief Ron

Rank II

Feb 09, 2025

2022 Black Diamond. The synchronizer rings were replaced July 2023. I could not tell a difference between the original synchronizer rings and the replacements, see picture. It solved the problem, and the Bronco now has 79,000 miles.


Fillups, TK1215

Rank IV

Feb 10, 2025

2022 Black Diamond. The synchronizer rings were replaced July 2023. I could not tell a difference between the original synchronizer rings and the replacements, see picture. It solved the problem, and the Bronco now has 79,000 miles.

So, after the TSB, in very cold weather, does yours idle quietly with no scraping sound? Glad yours has held up.
22 Badlands 2-door, 7MT, HP Red, delivered Nov 2022
Former fords: '83 Mustang Conv, '94 Bronco XLT, '05 Excursion PSD, '10 Expedition EL EB (still the family wagon).

'22 Base

Feb 10, 2025

2022 Black Diamond. The synchronizer rings were replaced July 2023. I could not tell a difference between the original synchronizer rings and the replacements, see picture. It solved the problem, and the Bronco now has 79,000 miles.

@jtpasto Thanks for that update... What type of winter temps in Salmon, ID?

'22 Base

Feb 10, 2025

I picked up my '22 in early November 2022. Started hearing the sound that first winter but didn't schedule the TSB work until about a year later (was trying to allow them some time to build experience). I fall into your category #2 below, possibly #3 also. 🙂

#2) I have put about 6K miles on my Bronco after the TSB. My scraping sound at cold idle startup has definitely returned this winter, but it's hard to tell if the sound returned with miles or just lower temps. It was late April when the TSB was done, so no temps below 45 or so here in OH. Once we had some very cold temp here in December and January, it's clear that it sounds like it did before, scraping sound at startup, goes away with the clutch pressed. Maybe a little more muted, but definitely there. I have not called the dealer back, but think I will while it's still cold enough to be diagnosed easily. I only want them to take action if the action is a replacement tranny this time. Hoping they can pre-auth that thru Ford since I already had the TSB done.

#3) I feel like I picked up a new faint rattle sound upon acceleration after the TSB. Shifts smoothly, but first and second have a rattle around 2500 to 3000 rpm. Hard to tell if it's the engine or tranny, but something is rattling now and they can't figure it out.

Side note question about your squeezing this work in just under the 3yr / 36K mile warranty. I have been told by my dealer anything "internal transmission) is covered by the 5 yr / 60K mile warranty - sound correct? I am also of the mindset that it does not make sense to wait beyond the 3/36 to be safe... but should have plenty of time, theoretically.
@ Fillups - Thanks for sharing your experience. I pulled the trigger and schedule TSB work for Feb 17 week. Thinking about it, I agree that the 5yr/60K mile drivetrain warranty should cover trans. I guess getting this done PRE 3/36 may 'help' me down the road if the TSB work doesn't solve the issue** or creates an issue.
** I'm still sketptical that the synchro scrape noise in cold temp. IS or WILL cause trans. failure as mileage is accumulated?

Rank IV

Feb 10, 2025

@ Fillups - Thanks for sharing your experience. I pulled the trigger and schedule TSB work for Feb 17 week. Thinking about it, I agree that the 5yr/60K mile drivetrain warranty should cover trans. I guess getting this done PRE 3/36 may 'help' me down the road if the TSB work doesn't solve the issue** or creates an issue.
** I'm still sketptical that the synchro scrape noise in cold temp. IS or WILL cause trans. failure as mileage is accumulated?

Understand that last part - I have not heard or read of actual failures related to the sound. And there may be varying levels of the sound out there (especially in climates that don't get very cold). But mine was sooo noticeable before the TSB that it was embarrassing to start after work if any of my co-workers were around - especially the Jeep driving coworkers. No joking, there are Wranglers all over my office lot! So I fear my quiet scrape will get louder again over time (I only have 14K or so miles total so far).

Best of luck with your repair!
22 Badlands 2-door, 7MT, HP Red, delivered Nov 2022
Former fords: '83 Mustang Conv, '94 Bronco XLT, '05 Excursion PSD, '10 Expedition EL EB (still the family wagon).

'22 Base

Mar 03, 2025

Understand that last part - I have not heard or read of actual failures related to the sound. And there may be varying levels of the sound out there (especially in climates that don't get very cold). But mine was sooo noticeable before the TSB that it was embarrassing to start after work if any of my co-workers were around - especially the Jeep driving coworkers. No joking, there are Wranglers all over my office lot! So I fear my quiet scrape will get louder again over time (I only have 14K or so miles total so far).

Best of luck with your repair!

NOTE: The Latest dated TSB for this is: TSB 24-2042

'22 Base

Mar 03, 2025

Ok, had the TSB 24-2042 completed on 2/26/25 on my May 2022 delivery of 2-dr. Base 2.3L MT. So far, no scraping noise when temps are down in the teens. Seems to shift smoothly, engine/transmission sounds slightly different, but concerning. I've got about 8,100 mi. and will be doing a x-country trip out West in July '25 and will report afterwards how it runs.

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