Jan 12, 2022
Cactus grey
Lux Pkg 7spd
Rank V
CGBadlands21Jan 12, 2022
Rank IV
FillupsJul 29, 2023
Burrito Connoisseur
RagnarKonAug 12, 2023
Rank Benevolent Dictator
the poacherAug 13, 2023
Rank V
WhiskeyCityAug 15, 2023
Rank II
YoMikey13Sep 02, 2023
Rank II
ToddGreenSep 02, 2023
Do you have a copy of the new bulletin or message? I tried Google but nothing pulls up yet.There’s a new service message out for the mt-88 having issues losing 3rd gear now also as a heads up.
Foxtrot BravoSep 02, 2023
Rank II
Foxtrot BravoSep 02, 2023
It won’t go into 3rd, sorry
Rank II
YoMikey13Sep 03, 2023
Can you double clutch it or is it completely blocked?
Rank Benevolent Dictator
the poacherSep 05, 2023
Well, based on RagnarKon & the poacher's report, looks like it might be time to get my rig into the shop for repair. Thanks for all the updates!!
Rank 0
CAVALANCHEDec 01, 2023
Burrito Connoisseur
RagnarKonDec 02, 2023
New Bronco owner here..... created another thread before finding this on a search..........
Purchased 2023 Badlands with ~1300 miles back in September from Carmax. Smelled oil burning the other day at a stop light and took a peek under the vehicle after I got home and found a small amount of residual oil underneath the truck. Dropped it off at Ford Dealer for a diagnosis. Also had noticed over the last week a rattle after starting first thing in the a.m. that would cease when the clutch is depressed. Identified both issues to the Service Advisor at drop off.
Got a call today from the service advisor stating that the clutch is completely worn. Vehicle has 5600 miles on it now. Advisor told me that since it is a wear item, Ford has no obligation to cover it under the warranty. The dealer has submitted the case to Ford, but I'm already bracing for bad news. I do not abuse the truck, I don't ride the clutch. I can't speak for the previous owner, but I'm shocked that this is an issue. Any ideas about what I could/should expect from Ford? Do I have a leg to stand on? Any advice is appreciated.
So.......After reading through this thread, the symptoms that are called out in the TSB 23-2019 are EXACTLY what I am experiencing. I am curious, how would the service technician diagnose my clutch as being completely shot? I didn't think to ask when I was on the phone with the service advisor. What steps would a tech take to adequately troubleshoot this as a clutch issue?
I am a bit concerned with the burning oil odor. Maybe there is more than one issue at play. I've not noticed ANY shift issues, slipping, issues getting into or changing gears. Like I said above, I don't beat on the vehicle, drive aggressively, ride the clutch.
I called and left a message for my service advisor asking if the techs that evaluated my vehicle were familiar with the TSB, and am waiting on a response.
Thoughts on how to proceed? Thanks for the help!
Rank V
mike8675309Dec 02, 2023
I got home and found a small amount of residual oil underneath the truck. Dropped it off at Ford Dealer for a diagnosis. Also had noticed over the last week a rattle after starting first thing in the a.m. that would cease when the clutch is depressed. Identified both issues to the Service Advisor at drop off.
Got a call today from the service advisor stating that the clutch is completely worn. Vehicle has 5600 miles on it now. ...
So.......After reading through this thread, the symptoms that are called out in the TSB 23-2019 are EXACTLY what I am experiencing.
Rank 0
CAVALANCHEDec 04, 2023
Where was the residual oil located? On the 2.3 motor the oil filter is mounted onto the side of the engine. Removing the filter drips oil into a channel that has the oil come out near the front edge of the drivers door. If the person who last changed the oil didn't clean off that channel, then it's possible that residual oil will pool and drip down right there.
You didn't describe the rattle at all, so it is hard to know what it might be. The clutch could be worn out if someone beat on it for 4000 of those 5000 miles. Just like the auto transmission could have been beat on in a used vehicle. it's a risk.
If you end up doing the clutch I would require all parts to be retained so you can have a 3rd party inspect them. A rattle for a clutch/throw out bearing would not be similar to the sounds you would hear if the problem is related to TSB 23-2019. Clutch would be at the back of the engine, TSB 23-2019 noises would be coming from the mid to back side of the transmission.
Life is a Highway
TK1215Dec 05, 2023
Oil was forward of the stabilizer bar, almost under where the front drive pinion is. I could see a thin layer forming on the bottom of the skid plate. I'm not entirely sure that it was engine oil. All fluid was low on the drivetrain. I looked around the oil filter and was able to shine a light on it, and the fluid did not appear to be coming from that area. For the record, I noticed this driving home at night. I crawled underneath the truck with a flashlight and wasn't able to get a great look, noticed a couple beads of oil on the bottom of the front diff. Since I was able to get it into the dealer the next day to drop off, and I had just noticed this, I didn't take the time to look again before dropping it off.
I'm just concerned at this point that the tech is diagnosing a clutch issue and am not sure how they are coming to that conclusion. I have not heard back from the service advisor since last Friday. It concerns me that they would go straight to calling the clutch bad. I've not had a single issue with transmission slipping, clutch pedal throw, issues with shift, getting into or out of gear.
The rattle presents exactly as described in the TSB. Also, exactly the same as in the video RagnarKon posted above, could be my truck. Cold start sounds like gravel in a can, goes away if you engage the clutch, Present in 1st and 2nd gear, then goes away after you drive a couple miles.
There's definitely an issue. I'm nervous about how to handle dealing with this if the SA calls me up and tells me that Ford isn't going to warranty the clutch. I end up dropping a few grand on a clutch replacement, and in the end I still have an issue.
Rank 0
BruceaholicDec 18, 2023
Tough times makes tough people 🔨
Chief RonDec 18, 2023
Mine is in today for the rattling noise. Should get it back tomorrow - fingers crossed!
Rank 0
BruceaholicDec 28, 2023
Best of luck…. Maybe Santa will hook u up. That has to be painful having ur stallion in the barn at the vets office not knowing the outcome.
Rank 0
NoalMar 02, 2024
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