Or worse, it's one of those pre-flavored coffees. My theory is that they take mediocre coffees, liquors, cheeses, etc. then flavor them to hide the poor quality. Not knowing by personal experience, I think is "Captain Morgan Spiced Rum" is lousy industrial grade rums they bought on the cheap, blended, then flavored and promoted with an cartoon character (think "Cap'n Crunch") to appeal to immature taste buds.
Same thing with flavored coffee. Do we know for a fact that "French vanilla" coffee comes from France? What if it comes from Quebec? And what about Brussels waffles?
Hmm...what if Captain Morgan attacked Cap'n Crunch? Or you poured Captain Morgan over your Capn' Crunch?
PS Thanks
@Bluestreak57 for the setting tip. I was looking through "profile," and didn't think to check "settings." My day is much improved, and I'm looking forward to out anticipated 6 inches of snow, first time I've had to drive my Badlands in something more than "winter mix," i.e.