Jul 09, 2024
Trying to diagnose a noise that sounds like wheel bearings, but at 63K it seems a bit unlikely. When turning into a parking space it makes a noise that sounds a bit like rubbing or scraping, don't hear anything going straight or around normal driving corners. Not clicking ot popping like a CV joint. Had the wheels off and rotated the assemblies and heard nothing, felt nothing. The concern is that we have a trip scheduled to DTW and it'll be close to 700 miles round trip at Michigan freeway speeds. At this juncture I'm thinking of taking the big Bronco despite the extra gas it will chug down. It does seem to be coming from the rear more than the front.
Anybody else experience this? Off course this comes up right before the dash to Detroit!
Anybody else experience this? Off course this comes up right before the dash to Detroit!