What is Stewardship and Why is it Important?

Mar 13, 2024

It was the smell of the desert after a rain, the cool fog of an early morning mountain trail, and the thrill of having ascended a treacherous climb to summit a ledge with a beautiful vista via a 4x4…these and many other moments like them are what pull us into nature. It is said that we are the beneficiaries of those from the past who had the foresight to conserve public lands for our use today. We have a right to access these lands because of their foresight, but with those rights come responsibilities. Our primary responsibility when accessing the outdoors is to be great stewards of the land!

Green bronco driving down the trail

What is stewardship?

Stewardship is the diligent and responsible care of something entrusted to us. We have public lands today because those before us protected and conserved them for our use and we owe the same obligation to those who come after us. Stewardship isn’t something we should only think about on public lands as it’s just as important to remember when we are on private land as well. As off-road enthusiasts, we have not simply the obligation but have the awesome opportunity to be stewards of the very lands we love to explore!

So what does good stewardship look like when we take our Bronco off-road?

  • Travel Responsibly - Off-roaders should always stay on designated routes or ride openly only in those spaces where it is permitted.
  • Avoiding Sensitive Areas - Steer clear of terrain like mud when possible.
  • Do Your Part - Check to ensure there are no leaks on your Bronco and that we are prepared to account for a spill should it occur.

These are just a few of the ways an off-roader can be proactive to avoid causing impact to the trail. Unfortunately, there’s already been considerable impact to our trails, so stewardship also means we should take steps to repair the trail where we find a negative impact. We can fill in ruts we make or come across, we can use natural materials like rocks and downed trees to block off areas designated as off-limits.

Undesired impact from motorized use of public lands is one of the most frequently cited reasons for trail closure. Impact to trails typically comes from spinning tires unnecessarily, driving off-trial and leaving trash on the trail. These are preventable behaviors which cause the off-road community to lose trails.

How to get Involved in Trail Preservation

A great way to get involved is through organizations which provide training on proper techniques, offer tips, and help identify opportunities to get involved such as attending a Bronco Off-Roadeo or joining an organization like Tread Lightly!. Tread Lightly! is a non-profit organization that leads a national initiative to promote the responsible use of motorized vehicles when recreational activities are outdoors. As people who love accessing outdoor adventure via a 4x4 we owe it those who came before us, to those who will come after us and to ourselves to protect and conserve the trails we ride in a spirit of stewardship!

Have you taken part in a trail clean-up or practice trail stewardship while on the trail? Share your stories and photos in the comment section below!


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