Soft Top Gap

Jan 08, 2025

Rank II

Jan 08, 2025

My soft top has always been loud (duh) but I always felt like I heard more road/wind noise coming from the passenger side than driver side. So I looked around and noticed there’s a considerable gap between the bottom of the soft top windows and body of the vehicle on the passenger side, where the driver side is pretty snug.

If I crouch down I can actually partly see through into the interior of my Bronco on the passenger side.

Anyone else experience this, and have a solution?

(Attached both passenger and driver side photos for reference)


2023 Badlands | Oxford White | 4 Door | 2.7L | High | Soft Top

Trusted and Carefree

Jan 08, 2025

The soft top is not great at sealing any of that out. And since all that is designed to come apart (to take the top off) it likes to do that on its own. But I would check the following, probably in this order-

1) Make sure both sides are latched down at the tailgate. I had a horrible whistle for a couple days and was shocked to realize that I hadn't fully latched the back end down. One good re-slam and we were good.

2) Check to make sure the corners are fully seated in the frame. The top corners have tabs that sit in the frame to kind of locate them on the frame. I would check that these are in there good. To do this, I would remove the side windows and check that the back window is in the center of the top. I would then make sure that the corners are seated. If not, I would give this a good thump. Some times it will pop back out and I readjust the rear window by moving it left or right in the frame and try it again. They both should stay in place, but it really takes the tension from the side windows to lock them in. I have had to do this procedure on my from time to time, mainly when I am moving between safari mode and all buttoned up.

3) When you reinstall the side windows, make sure that they are lined up where you want them- There is a lot of room to move these up or down and I kind of get OCD with this a bit.

4) I might check to make sure that there is nothing between the quarter panel and the lower half of the top thats keeping it from seating all the way. This is a bit of a long shot, but maybe? I am presuming there is quite a bit of adjustment in the top bows, so if something is cadywumpased there, you might be able to fiddle it out. I have messed around with some of the bits in the front, but not in the back, so I cant say for sure.

Final tip- I find that getting all this tight and positioned right in the back makes a differance with the wind noise, so I would spend some time getting the windows where I want them. I have found its easier to do all this with the front part of the top flipped back- it takes some of the tension out of the system and gives you a little bit easier time to work the adjustment.

All that said though, the soft top fitment is really my single least favorite thing about the Bronco. I love the functionality of the soft top, but you have to fiddle with it way more than you should, and even then, it still looks like a big floppy mess.

My solution to this involves turning up the heat and the radio until its warm enough outside to run a bikini top. Only like 3-4 months to go 👍

Good luck.
2023 Wildtrak. "Sometimes you got to get lost, to get found" -J Bronco
Chief Ron, DTeller

Rank II

Jan 09, 2025

My 23 BB came with the dual top option. Hard top installed and the soft top stored in the back (all of the back LOL). So I had to install the soft top myself without any Ford instructions. Sure there are videos that start with take the top off and then reverse the steps. But no initial top install. So I had to figure it out myself. Almost every bracket that bolts on is adjustable. The brackets on top where just attached at the factory and were not in alignment for the mid bows to lock into place. Adjusted and now they do. With all the top installed, driving down the highway at 70 mph my passenger side rear curtain would blow out. I finally learned the trick of flipping back the front and then install the rear panels. Made the difference.

Now to the part that might apply to you. I bought both of the IAG rear top pieces. The first one was the lift and that really helps a lot. No more fiddling with the kickstand. And then I installed the one pull hatch release. Game changer. That's when I discovered the latch catches on each side were adjustable. I was able to pretty much eliminate the air gap with the adjustments. You might see if you have the same issue. I've the hard top installed now so I can't show you.
Bob N - Capt., USAF-Retired
2023 Bronco Big Bend, 1942 Ford GPW (jeep)
Mal, DTeller

Rank II

Jan 25, 2025

IMG_1548.jpegUpdate: in case this helps anyone, I was able to loosen the bolt holding on the latch for the passenger side, and slide it down, then retighten.

It seemed to take about half of the gap out that I had, so not flush like my driver side, but much better than before
2023 Badlands | Oxford White | 4 Door | 2.7L | High | Soft Top
Micahman, Mal

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