Apr 21, 2023
Has anybody else experience issues with their headliners?
This thing has been an absolute nightmare
When I initially took delivery I realized they didn’t install the headliner, although I had ordered it.
The dealership was awful, refusing to correct their error and told me I had to buy it myself blah blah blah..
Ford stepped in months later and ordered the headliner for the dealership to install
The dealership installed it two weeks ago, and when I arrived to pick it up, I immediately noticed a gap in between the headliner and the edge where looks like the headliner should meet
In my opinion it looks awful, like it wasn't done right
A service manager came out and said it was their first time ever installing a headliner and basically too bad, deal with it they weren’t going to fix it
I followed up with Ford/ sent them photos
They advised if I don’t like it, to fix it on my own because they spoke with the dealership who told them “they did their best”
I’m curious if anyone whose headliner was installed at the factory, has a gap like mine does?
Maybe I’m just overreacting, but I think it looks stupid lol
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Apr 21, 2023