Best settings for going up a steep icy and snowy hill (Your personal experience only please)

Nov 08, 2023

Rank 0

Nov 08, 2023

Hi Folks,
What settings would you use to ascend a steep icy/snowy hill from a standstill? My vehicle is a Badlands Bronco Sport.
Slippery mode - Yes or no? (I say yes)
4x4 Lock on or off ? (I say it does not matter if you use Slippery Mode)
Rear Diff Lock on or off? (I say off)
Use Trail Control or not use it? (I don't know if it would help or hurt)
If you have had some experience with this scenario, I'd appreciate any comments you offer. Thx
ps - Yes, I know the image does not convey a crazy challenge, but when the plow guy can't get in, or there is an inch of ice under a foot of snow, that hill is absolutely a tricky ascent. I can't make a run at it due to the terrain not seen in the bottom left of image. Let's leave tires out of the chat. I know winter tires matter a LOT.

Will Flyfish for food.

Nov 08, 2023

If you don't want to consider tires, get a sleeping bag, you're going to spend a lot if time at the bottom if the hill.
Actually cable chains might be a solution.
Chief Ron, JohnG

Rank V

Nov 08, 2023

Damn the torpedoes...petal to the metal...I think I can, I think I can...If at 1st you don't succeed...

That's all I got!!
rmreid22, Chief Ron


Nov 09, 2023

We live 7,500ft in a Colorado rural foothills area with lots of hills & some 200"/yr snow. Heck, our 2nd storm in 10 days arrived last night another 6 or 7". After plowing our road & driveway, solid ice below. Yeah, we have lots of experience on slippery surfaces.

Your hill climb question is a good one. Also, stopping for a stop light at the bottom of an icy hill creates frequent 'white knuckls' here. As FoxTrot mentions, good tires are critical. Thoughtful handling of your vehicle is also important.

Sure, Bronco's slippery mode will reduce throttle response that should help with traction. Also, 4 wheel drive going uphill is very helpful. Suggest starting in 4-Low on steep/icy slopes to avoid losing traction by over powering & spinning wheels. Deeper snow is different needing 4-High and potentially lots of power & wheel spin as MIGeezer suggests.

If you lose momentum in deep snow, it may take several attempts adding locking difs and more power to press on further up the slope. Please be cautious because it's very easy to slip laterally into rocks/trees/ditch/down hillside/etc. where bad things can & do happen.

Gotta add that in snowy/icy conditions, people frequently get into big trouble when they're either distracted of didn't expect slippery conditions. I mean, it's typical to see 4 or 5 vehicles, usually on their top or sides beside our highways here after winter storms.

So, after your next snow storm, get yourself on a large deserted parking lot and have some fun sliding around to get the feel of your Bronco. You'll quickly know how much traction you have before breaking lose. Also, practice steering into slides to regain control in an area you're probably not gonna hit something.

Unicorn, JohnG


Nov 09, 2023

I find that snow on top of ice... no wheel spin is best. once you start spinning it drops you through to the ice. This is what I learned to drive in. My dad thought teaching me in these conditions would save a clutch. Momentum is your best friend. Not too much though.... It is a judgment call on speed. Too little and you dig threw to the ice... too much and you understeer and slide off or can't stop. Do not know what is up top. If you can hit it about 15 to 20..... no wheel spin... 4 wheel drive helps a lot. My throttle control is fine in 4 High... Yours may differ.

Once you hit the ice (if you dig threw and hit the ice) stop... back down and try again with a little more speed.... it does not take much. You start spinning on that ice you just start sliding back and forth uncovering the ice on the entire roadway. It is as much about the road as it is your vehicle. You do not want that ice uncovered.

If you have studded tires... spin away.... It will scratch it's way up.

Rank 0

Nov 10, 2023

What is the best option for surf board racks on a 2023 Bronco Sport


Nov 10, 2023

What is the best option for surf board racks on a 2023 Bronco Sport

That Snark tells me you have absolutely no clue how hard that simple looking little hill is. And if you do not understand that you would not make it no matter how capable your vehicle is.

When you put a few inches of snow on top of an inch of ice on that simple looking little hill, That is where everybody goes off the road around here. In my location you see something like that and there are 20 cars parked at the bottom.... Very few make it up. Maybe 2 or 3 at the top.

Rank 0

Nov 10, 2023

I find that snow on top of ice... no wheel spin is best. once you start spinning it drops you through to the ice. This is what I learned to drive in. My dad thought teaching me in these conditions would save a clutch. Momentum is your best friend. Not too much though.... It is a judgment call on speed. Too little and you dig threw to the ice... too much and you understeer and slide off or can't stop. Do not know what is up top. If you can hit it about 15 to 20..... no wheel spin... 4 wheel drive helps a lot. My throttle control is fine in 4 High... Yours may differ.

Once you hit the ice (if you dig threw and hit the ice) stop... back down and try again with a little more speed.... it does not take much. You start spinning on that ice you just start sliding back and forth uncovering the ice on the entire roadway. It is as much about the road as it is your vehicle. You do not want that ice uncovered.

If you have studded tires... spin away.... It will scratch it's way up.

Indeed. I've climbed the hill in a BS FE with the Falken A/T tires over deep snow no problem. It is ice under snow that leads me to ask for suggested best practices. Thank you for taking the time to answer.

Rank 0

Nov 10, 2023

If you don't want to consider tires, get a sleeping bag, you're going to spend a lot if time at the bottom if the hill.
Actually cable chains might be a solution.

I'm all about special tires, but there is a limit to my time and budget. My tires already have this. I like the sleeping back suggestion. Thx



Nov 10, 2023

Here's brief video of Bronco fun in some shin deep snow. He's in 4-Low M1 for most of this.

Deano Bronc, Unicorn


Nov 11, 2023

Here's brief video of Bronco fun in some shin deep snow. He's in 4-Low M1 for most of this.

Been there done that but more out of necessity rather than fun... Although it is fun. lI have seen it dump that much snow overnight.... You are either stuck and walking out or you make it out.
Deano Bronc, PSUTE

Genius on the cusp of Insanity

Nov 11, 2023

Also, on your daily drive, keep in mind the lack of capabilities of other drivers: their vehicles, and their skills.

First, more than ever, practice defensive driving. Observe 360 degrees as much as possible, who is around, what they are doing, where they might go. That person entering from a side street or driveway? Will they pull out and move into traffic okay--or not? Things like that, but compounded by incremental conditions.

Second, scope out traffic on hills, down and up, both. Watch for vehicles that are failing to maintain traction and lane position--slipping, skidding, spinning, all that. You, oh worthy Bronco owner, may be able to handle that hill with aplomb, but you can get snagged in other drivers' mishaps. The video, below, is a classic showing a chain-reaction multi-vehicle mess on ice. And the one following (Canada) is also a hoot.

Deano Bronc, Kenneth
Moderator Staff member

Melissa Clark

Nov 15, 2023

Hmmmm.....I like the question and thought behind it. Ice is super challenging and with the Sport, it's hard to not get wheel spin if starting on a hill from a stop. I think my attempt would look like this:

Rock crawl goat mode-to see if I can get momentum started
Rear locker-On
Bucket of sand poured out on hill? Just to get traction at start?

That's my 2 cents. Let me know if you try it and if it makes any difference.
Bluebaru, Deano Bronc

Rank 0

Nov 15, 2023

Get some momentum going first then use the rest as needed

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