Nov 26, 2020
In my long quest for the perfect Bronco color, I find myself constantly going back to Iconic Silver. For months all I thought about was Cactus Gray, primarily because I reserved a FE and it was the only color I liked in the line up.. Navy Pier has forced me to switch to Wildtrak, but has also opened my eyes to the full exterior color line. At first Carbonized Gray was my first pic. As much as I love this color, I wasn't 100% sold on it. Knowing that I can't keep my vehicles clean, Carb Gray would always look dirty. After a few trips to the local dealer, Iconic Silver has not only landed on my radar, it's made it to the top of the list. To me Iconic Silver is one of those classic colors that will never go out of style and it's a color that always looks fantastic even when dirty.. Below are pics from dealer and online that brought me to my Iconic Silver decision .
CraigB, Cooknn