Please help me understand Forscan. I purchased the OBD2 cable in hopes of disabling the double honk, but don’t know how to access Forscan. Thank you
21 Badlands, 2 dr, four banger, slushbox, SAS. PERFECT!
Zalford, Big Papa
Rank II
July 14, 2021
Member #
Apr 29, 2022
Im confused too. Do you buy the Forescan module first then have to pay for a monthly subscription?
2022 Velocity Blue Black Diamond with Steelies
Rank V
December 30, 2021
Member #
Apr 29, 2022
It can be very confusing for sure. First off, because of the war, you are unable to buy extended license. But you can request for a free 2 month usage. It’s all done at
You need to download forscan to your windows laptop. Look at the hardware number and send that with your request for the free 2 months. Once you get the activation code, you are good to go. Connect your OBD reader to your Bronco and attach to your laptop.
Johnny Mo, TexasFlusher
Rank V
December 30, 2021
Member #
Apr 29, 2022
Good news, they started selling extended license starting 4/21/2022
Rank IV
February 26, 2022
Member #
May 10, 2022
As noted, they recently began offering FORScan again, so I downloaded the free License Key file and used FORScan on my 2022 Outer Banks. I would definitely caution people that are not very computer savvy or that generally have low attention to detail (no offense). Phone a friend who has those attributes and offer some free beer to help you through the process.
These are the modules/functions I successfully changed (if this does not tweak your interest...I would not buy the OBDII nor mess with FORScan).
1. I installed Baja Mode for GOAT. I now have seven (of 8) GOAT modes (I don't have Rock and this okay since I do not have the ability to disconnect my stay bar). ABS 760-04-03 XXXX X*XX
2. Disabled the Double Honk (when you have the Bronco running and you walk away with the key; particularly annoying at airport when you help someone with their bags). BdyCM 726-63-02 XXX*
3. Decreased Door Ajar Chime entry. When I open the door, I get the chime for about two seconds and then it goes away. IPC 720-01-02 XX*X
4. Increased wattage to rear speakers. This was hard to measure but I used a Db measuring tool and it is louder. See video from Budget Bronco: ACM 727-01-01 38**
5. I ran the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) before I exited to ensure I had not triggered an issue; Good to go.
Here are a few tips that I gathered and recommend (I downloaded version 2.3.47 test20220221 and my free trial license is good for two months).
**This goes without saying, but methodically go through and backup every one of your Original AS BUILT modules (tiny *.ABT files) to your laptop; then save those files to an external USB/hard drive as a backup.
1. Goto the FORScan website and become familiar with the OBDII connectors, lingo and capabilities. I bought the OBDLink EX USB ($59 on Amazon as they recommended it).
2. Read the FORScan Tutorial at least once. It is written pretty well but the authors assume you are familiar with the software (you will be after 30 minutes using FORScan). See attached by Livnitup.
3. I methodically took notes on how to program in FORScan and the modules I intended on changing. This allowed me to feel comfortable with the steps/process I needed to follow. (Connect, Disconnect, Play, Stop, Write, etc..)
4. I noticed that there were some modules that would NOT allow you to just WRITE to that line; you had to WRITE ALL at the bottom. This concerned me initially but it all worked out because I did NOT change anything besides the module I was editing.
5. Search the net for these forums and people who have recently revised a table on what works for the Bronco. I used one dated 2/18/22 that was very helpful but it was for a 2021 Ford F150.
Outer Banks | White | 2.7 | 4D | Leather | High | Mod Bumper | MIC |
Delivered Jan 2022 | Reserved Jul 2020
Zalford, Deano Bronc
Rank III
October 06, 2021
Member #
May 14, 2022
Thanks for sharing. FORScan isn’t hard or scary, if you do your homework. Just be sure to backup every modules as-built data before making any changes. I’d also recommend using the most recent stable version of FORScan, not the most recent beta. The beta allows us to update module firmware…something we’ll likely never need to do…and it can brick modules. Once my Bronco arrives, I look forward to doing testing and sharing here on the forums.
I highly recommend the OBDLink EX adapter. It’s built to work with FORScan and reads/writes incredibly fast.
Our vehicles are new and it takes time for them to show up in the link posted. Just check back often…or be smart and save each as-built file directly from the modules, as mentioned above.