'Burque Bronco Tour Stop

May 27, 2021

Trusted and Carefree

May 27, 2021

The Bronco world tour made an Albuquerque stop today, and I got to see them in person. They had two four-door Non-squatched Broncos- An outer banks in Black and a Black Diamond in Cactus grey.


FIrst impressions- Everyone keeps saying it but they are Bigger in person. I thought it was a bit bigger than the 4 door Wrangler, and it certainly felt more "solid" than the Jeep. While I really wanted to see a 'squatched one, the 32's are plenty, especially with the Steeles on the Black Diamond. Let me add also- they totally Rocked! Give me raised white letters on these please.
I did not like the wheels on the Outer banks though. Just not my cup of tea. I think for many folks who aren't going to go off road, these are fine, but I didn't like them
Plenty of room inside in these guys. The BD had the marine grade vinyl and it was much better than I though. I also dug the washout interior in that rig. The OB had the Roast and black interior, and I thought it kinda looked muddy.
The Black Diamond also had the 7 speed. I rowed the gears and it felt good. The Clutch was not too light, nor heavy enough to make you feel like you were doing a leg press. When I got out of the truck, I left it in the Crawl gear.
All in all I was really blown away by the Black Diamond. I have a Wildtrack on order, but the simple functionality, and no-fru fru setup of the black diamond really impressed me. Certainly got me thinking anyway.


Also- the Cactus grey looked more grey to me today. I did not like the Black on the OB- all the painted bits kinda ran together. too much.

So that was that. Might have changed my mind on some things. If you have the chance, go see them in person. If your Broncometer was getting a little low (like mine was after the MPG numbers), it was a great pick me up.


2023 Wildtrak. "Sometimes you got to get lost, to get found" -J Bronco
SlashRacer, TEEDEE
Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2021

Wank ER

May 27, 2021

NIce work - Love the details and personal touches in your write-up.
2021 FE Cactus Grey

Trusted and Carefree

May 27, 2021

My favorite detail- NO STEP printed on the back of the center console. iJOdaN0WTraP%ZdgMJbJhQ.jpg
They say "Navy Regulations are written in blood"... I like to think they found this out the hard way in the design shop :)
2023 Wildtrak. "Sometimes you got to get lost, to get found" -J Bronco
SlashRacer, Deano Bronc

Rank IV

May 27, 2021

Are they coming to reno NV

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