A Corny Joke Off!!

Dec 06, 2023

Rank V

Dec 06, 2023

I'm suggesting we have a corny joke contest. All jokes have to be corny, kinda like the last two I posted. No bad stuff PERIOD!! The site moderators will be the judges. Judges decision are final. We set a time frame to get your jokes submitted. The decisions are made, and there will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes.

They can be something inexpensive. Maybe a key Jeep chain that says 1st edition Bronco Corny Joke Off Winner, etc.

Feed back NOT WELCOME!!
Darrel, Deano Bronc

Will Flyfish for food.

Dec 07, 2023

Did you hear about Adolph the brown nosed reindeer? he runs just as fast as Rudolph but can't stop us quick.

Rank V

Dec 08, 2023

There is a boat full of 100 people, but you can't see a single one. How can this be?

They are all married!!
Darrel, Deano Bronc

Rank V

Dec 08, 2023

Where does a bee go to the restroom?

A BP station (bee pee station)
Darrel, Deano Bronc

Wait….. how did I get here again?

Dec 08, 2023

What did the below bird say when it was hit in the head…..



2023 Wildtrak, sas, mid, soft top. Not crazy offroader…. Just a normal trail junkie
Darrel, the poacher

Wait….. how did I get here again?

Dec 08, 2023

Why did the Bronco go to therapy?…..

It had so much horsepower and couldn’t handle the neigh sayers!

2023 Wildtrak, sas, mid, soft top. Not crazy offroader…. Just a normal trail junkie
Darrel, the poacher


Dec 08, 2023

Cyberspace stole my info!
Fillups, Darrel

Rank V

Dec 08, 2023

What do you call a cheap circumcision? A rip off.
Wood J, Fillups

Hey y’all, watch this!

Dec 09, 2023

What do you call a cheap circumcision? A rip off.

‘23 Hot Pepper Red Wildtrak 2.7L-V6 4 dr. MIC Sas Lux and Lovin’ it!!
Wood J, Darrel

Will Flyfish for food.

Dec 09, 2023

What did the pope say when Michelangelo finished painting the ceiling of the Sistine chapel?

Looks good but I think it needs another coat.
Jakob1972, Deano Bronc

Rank V

Dec 13, 2023

You guys ever hear about
Lomi Smart Waste Kitchen Composter?
My wife was complaining about my coffee grinds in the sink.
I asked her if she wanted a lomi in the kitchen?
Well I guess she didn't hear me right.
Darrel, Jakob1972

Rank V

Dec 13, 2023

My wife is French Canadian.
Some days is Canadian other days she's just French.
Darrel, Jakob1972

Rank V

Dec 13, 2023

They edited Blazing Saddles for television.
Broadcast Wednesday 8pm until 8:07pm...
'21 AMB Basesquatch 2 Door. 2.7. 569 days from reservation to delivery
Darrel, Jakob1972

I am of Scottish decent and I ride a Unicorn.

Dec 13, 2023

Is anybody here from Iowa?

Winner has to be from Iowa.....

It is where they grow the most Corn.
Darrel, Deano Bronc

Rank V

Dec 13, 2023

People ask me how I find my Bronco in the snow?
I tell them I usually just go to wherever I parked it and it's there.
Jakob1972, Deano Bronc

Rank V

Dec 13, 2023

Buddy mine has a Land cruiser with the TRD package with the roof rack and the stainless steel shovel attached to it.
Was over there one day when he was waxing his truck and he took the shovel off and waxed it.

I told him he needed to add A between the T and the R.
Darrel, Jakob1972


Dec 13, 2023

A young lady was dating a baker and a poet at the same time.She couldn't decide whether she should marry for batter or verse.
Cyberspace stole my info!
Darrel, PSUTE


Dec 13, 2023

What do Alexander the Great and Kermit the Frog have in common?

The same middle name!
Cyberspace stole my info!
SCBronco1, Darrel


Dec 13, 2023

Is anybody here from Iowa?

Winner has to be from Iowa.....

It is where they grow the most Corn.

The Corn Husker state might disagree....not that it matters to me...LMAO
Cyberspace stole my info!
Darrel, Deano Bronc

Wait….. how did I get here again?

Dec 13, 2023

What is a snowman’s favorite fruit……

2023 Wildtrak, sas, mid, soft top. Not crazy offroader…. Just a normal trail junkie
Darrel, Deano Bronc

I am of Scottish decent and I ride a Unicorn.

Dec 13, 2023

The Corn Husker state might disagree....not that it matters to me...LMAO

Yes but look at the US production numbers... Nebraska is actually no.3... Illinois ranks as number 2 after Iowa... Surprised me.... especially Illinois.
Darrel, Deano Bronc

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