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North LA County (Leona Divide, Grass Mountain, Tule Divide, & Burns Canyon) Scenic Run

Los Angeles County, CA, USA

By JoergH (That's a terrible idea, when do we start?, 3682)

START DATE Saturday Feb 18, 2023 at 9:30 AM UTC-08:00

END DATE Saturday Feb 18, 2023 at 4:00 PM UTC-08:00

RSVPs allowed: 25 - Max Capacity has been Reached. RSVP is Closed

Event Type




Terrain Type
Radio channels
462.575 gmrs

RSVPs allowed



35 miles



About the event

Scenic run in North LA county including Leona Divide & Tule Divide/Burns Canyon. These are easy trails rated 2 and 3 so we won't stretch our Broncos.



Event details

Folks, it's time to do something up this way on North LA County again! If you live up this way this is a great chance to do a run without having to drive 2-3 hours or more to get there.

This will be on nice easy 2 and 3 rated trails including Leona Divide and Tule Divide/Burns Canyon with a lunch stop along the way on Grass Valley Summit. The views, however, are pretty spectacular, so I think it should be a lot of fun. Note that this is going to be weather dependent. If it's been raining a lot the USFS might close the trails, we won't know until closer to the event so keep an eye here for updates. Also, we have some elevation here, so there could even be some snow. Please, be prepared for the conditions, and defiantly keep an eye on this page for updates and changes.

What you'll need:
  1. Snacks, water, and a lunch (we will be stopping along the trail for lunch.)
  2. A GMRS radio, a hand held will do the trick, tuned to GMRS channel 16 (462.5750)
  3. The usual recovery gear.
  4. The ability to air up/down.
  5. A good attitude, patience and flexibility. The weather in particular could make changes to the trail, etc. so we may have to make changes "on the fly". Also, with a large group, there's going to be a lot of starts and stops, etc. Bring your patience hat. :-)

Here are some trail details (I'm posting a .gpx file that you can import into OnX or GaiGPS or whatever your favorite software is. In short here's what I'm planning.

  1. We will meet where Leona Divide Fire Rd meets Bouquet Canyon Rd just east of Bouquet Reservoir.
  2. We will then air down note there is limited space, but should be enough if we pack in nice and tight so be friendly. ;-)
  3. Then we will head up Leona Divide Rd all the way to Grass Mountain Rd (note we cross over San Fancisquito Rd at that point).
  4. Thisis where we will jump on Grass Mountain Rd. and continue up all the way to the top of Grass Mountain which is at about 4,500 ft where we will make our lunch stop. There are no facilities up there, so be sure to bring some chairs to sit on, a table if you need/want it, etc. Also, it will probably be cool up there, so dress for the weather.
  5. Once we finish lunch we will head back down Grass Mountain and get on Tule Divide Rd. which goes along Tule Ridge.
  6. Tule Divide Rd ends at Burns Fire Rd which will will take back to San Fansisquito Rd. where the trip ends.

Note that if we are a large group (which it's looking so far that we will be) that both the air down and air up points aren't huge, but both have room along the highway for us to spread out a bit, so we should be able to accommodate everyone.

Overall, I think that the run should last 4ish hours, including the lunch stop. If we meet at 9:30 am, and get rolling by 10 AM, we should be done by 2-3PM in the afternoon assuming no major breakdowns, etc.


Price: Not defined



JoergH (That's a terrible idea, when do we start?)

Member number: 3682

Published events: 25

Member since Apr 21, 2021


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I’m always up for an Adventure!

Nov 26, 2022

Thanks for the invite. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Rank IV

Nov 26, 2022

Darn again, we're in Cal City. But this is a pretty run! Enjoy and thanks for the invite! I love seeing how many locals that have broncos and enjoy taking them on trails...so much fun!!
Shy, Bryan, and Gaston
"Noone climbs like Gaston"!

Rank II

Nov 26, 2022

Very excited! thanks for the invite!!!!

Rank 0

Nov 27, 2022

Here’s to a sunny CA day of driving..!

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

Nov 30, 2022

Folks, We are full up (actually because of a bug in the software, we are past the 25 rig limit I set). I'm trying to decide if I want to split this run in 1/2 (i.e. run it twice, once on Sat and once on Sun or the following Sat), or just go with it. My biggest concern is showing up at a restaurant with 30+ people...
4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

Dec 02, 2022

Thanks Joerg. We missed the sign-up, so just please let us know if you're adding a day. We're in if you do...
Yeah, I'm trying to decide what to do, so if anyone has a suggestion/preference, please let me know. Since this one is on Sat. I could do a second run on Sun. the question would be how many people would be willing to switch to Sun? Could I get an even split?
4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather

Rank IV

Dec 02, 2022

Thanks Joerg. We missed the sign-up, so just please let us know if you're adding a day. We're in if you do...
We're good for Sat or Sun. Just let us know.
As for restaurant, Saugus Cafe, Half Way House, Don Chato's, Vincent Hill. Maybe call and see if they want your 30 folks business that day..?

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

Dec 02, 2022

We're good for Sat or Sun. Just let us know.
As for restaurant, Saugus Cafe, Half Way House, Don Chato's, Vincent Hill. Maybe call and see if they want your 30 folks business that day..?
Yeah, or drop the idea of a restaurant entirely. Everyone bring lunch and I can find a nice place for us to stop and eat...
4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather
JST 500

Rank IV

Dec 03, 2022

Yeah, or drop the idea of a restaurant entirely. Everyone bring lunch and I can find a nice place for us to stop and eat...
That works too...

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

Dec 17, 2022

Hey folks, I’m going to do a little scouting this Sunday 12/18. If you want to join me, let me know.
4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather

Caamp Eruption

Dec 23, 2022

Would be up for a Sunday run too and make it a day trail with a lunch break on the way. Apologies for missing the earlier input.

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

Dec 23, 2022

OK folks, decisions have been made, and the description updated. This will be a "bring your own lunch" run, we are too big a group for the rock Inn to handle. I have also added additional info about the trails we will be running, what you need to bring, etc.
4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather

Find my travels @orngdozr

Dec 28, 2022

Im having trouble viewing your gpx file of the map. Is anyone else on here having this issue?

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

Dec 28, 2022

Im having trouble viewing your gpx file of the map. Is anyone else on here having this issue?
What kind of trouble? Which app are you trying to input it into?
4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather

Find my travels @orngdozr

Dec 28, 2022

What kind of trouble? Which app are you trying to input it into?
GPX viewer

Find my travels @orngdozr

Dec 28, 2022

GPX viewer
Nevermind I figured it out.

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

Jan 08, 2023


Sorry but I've had to reschedule this run mainly because of the weather. I talked to the ranger, and they have closed the gates on 2 out of 3 of the trails we were planning to run. This is due to mud slides that are significantly blocking the trail, along with at least 1 serious washout that makes the trail impassable. He said that the trails MIGHT be open soon, but it would be better to wait at least 1 month. So, I've tentatively rescheduled for Feb 18th. As that date gets closer I will update this event with the latest info.

Sorry for any inconvenience that this might cause anyone.

4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather
SocalG, Sandra McGee

Rank IV

Jan 09, 2023

Bummer, missed the reschedule, catcha all next time! 🙂
Start where you are with what you have.

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

Jan 29, 2023

Folks,We currently have 36 RSVPs for this run, plus 8 others from another site. 44 rigs are way too many for a single run. So what I’m thinking is to do the run twice. Once on the 18th and once the following Sat the 25th. I will cap each run at at 20 rigs to keep things manageable. BTW, I think even 20 will be pushing it. My plan is to cancel this event and create 2 new ones, so people will need to RSVP for the date that works for them and where there is still space.Sorry for any inconvenience but I think for safety sake this is necessary.Thoughts?
4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather

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