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Big Bear Bronco Bash XXIII

Big Bear Lake, CA, USA

By JoergH (That's a terrible idea, when do we start?, 3682)

START DATE Thursday Jun 6, 2024 at 9:00 AM UTC-07:00

END DATE Sunday Jun 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM UTC-07:00

Event Type




RSVPs allowed


About the event

“The Bash” is a long weekend of Bronco Enthusiasts coming together to hit the trails and hang out.

Event details

BBBB is an “unevent,” meaning there is no official registration, no steering committee, and no official schedule. It is absolutely FREE to attend Big Bear Bronco Bash and enjoy whatever is going on, as we have no official apparatus for charging money and incurring costs. But that doesn’t mean nothing happens. Far from it! BBBB is an all-volunteer event, with individuals and groups stepping forward to make each aspect of the event happen. In some cases they will ask for and accept donations to help cover their costs. But attendance and participation is free. That said, a “DIY” event like this does place some responsibility on each participant. There is nobody to herd you, nobody to tell you where to go and what to do. So it’s up to you to join in the discussions and find out how to make the most of the event.

You can get more information from the Social Broncos website at: https://socalbroncos.net/bbbb/
The forum for the discussions and the trail signups can be found here: https://socalbroncos.com/forum/forums/big-bear-bronco-bash.33/

This is simply an event placeholder to let the Bronco Nation know about the event, no need to "sign up" here. Please read https://socalbroncos.net/bbbb/ for all the details about where, what, etc., and then go to the forums when the signups are posted and sign up for the runs there and for the lively discussion.


Price: Not defined


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JoergH (That's a terrible idea, when do we start?)

Member number: 3682

Published events: 24

Member since Apr 21, 2021

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That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

May 04, 2024

I'm getting excited, BBBB is just around the corner. Can't wait to get to hang with the SoCal Bronco's bunch and run some trails!
4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather
Chief Ron, Deano Bronc

Rank V

May 04, 2024

Beautiful area. Can'r be there, but wouldn't miss it if I could...
'21 AMB Basesquatch 2 Door. 2.7. 569 days from reservation to delivery
Chief Ron

Rank IV

May 04, 2024

We're committed to a week in Monterey.

We would like to be there with you.

Rank 0

May 06, 2024

very much looking forward to it

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

May 09, 2024

Please take a look at Dusty’s comments about trail rides at BBBB https://socalbroncos.com/forum/threads/bbbbxxii-hitting-the-trails-at-big-bear-bronco-bash.767/
4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

May 09, 2024

OK, so since there aren't any "official" runs to sign up for and I'm only going to be there for Thurs and Friday here's what I'm thinking for Thurs. I'd like to do either Delmar Mountain, and/or Upper Holcomb. I know that not everyone will be there on Thurs morning yet so I'm thinking of maybe doing one of those on Thurs morning, and then the other one on Thurs afternoon. Anyone interested? They are both pretty easy runs. You can see the descriptions here:

4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

May 09, 2024

OK, so far I've thrown out something for Thursday. You can see the run signups starting to appear here: https://socalbroncos.com/forum/forums/big-bear-bronco-bash.33/

I actually did two. One on Thursday morning, and one onThursday afternoon.
4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

May 17, 2024

Folks, I just heard that there's not going to be a Taco night on Thurs. night so Lucia and I are going to go to Gaby's for dinner. If anyone want's to join us we would love the company. https://gabysbigbear.com/
4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

May 27, 2024

I'm curious, there's been no easy run scheduled for Friday that I can see. So I'm thinking about setting up a Clark's Grade run if enough people are interested. If you are, shoot me a message and let me know.
4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather

That's a terrible idea, when do we start?

Jun 01, 2024

Folks, BBBB XXIII is less than one week away! if you haven't signed up for run yet at BBBB XXIII they are starting to fill up. I would suggest that you hop the So Cal Bronco's forum and grab a spot on the trails you'd like to run! You can go here to see the list of runs as they each have their own thread. If you want to sign up you can go into that thread and just post a request to be added to the run with your full name. The leader will then update the list with your name on it, and you're all set to go.
4 Door BadSquatch | Soft-top | Velocity Blue | 2.7 Auto | Towing | Lux | Leather


Jun 06, 2024

I am so bummed that I have to miss this event!

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