Sacrifice the rock rails. They aren't really true rock rails, they are pinch weld covers, and only roughly useful as sliders...... Truly useful rock rails will be welded or attached to the frame, not the body and extend out farther as a bash/pivot point for the vehicle.
Are you thinking of those plastic "trail armor rocker panel covers"? Those certainly are not "rock rails". The Ford "Rock Rails" that come on the Badlands are $600 on the Ford Accessories site. Those damn well better be useful rock rails for that price. Just trying to clarify, you may be correct since I haven't actually laid hands on one yet. Cheers.
On Order, 11/15/21: MY22 Badlands 2-dr, Carb Gray, 2.3L, 7spd, SAS, Lux Reorder, 9/23/22: MY23, dropped tow.
Sche'd Production: 11/28/22, Modules Live: 11/30/22. Delivered 12/02/22.